The Ultimate Kid Weekend!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Look who's back from falling off the face of the Earth!
This past week has been busyyyy but a good and fun kind of busy. I'm trying to finish thank you's from my bridal showers and learn as much as possible at my new job while also finishing all the crazy, millions of last minute wedding details! 

However, after traveling to Dallas last week for work, I let everything go over the weekend so that I could simply enjoy it without checking my phone or my to do list. 

This was the view from our company condo. I'm the farthest thing from a city girl but this was a great way to start a day!

My parents just bought A LOT of outdoor furniture. And when I say a lot I mean it came delivered in 16 large boxes. Needless to say, we took full advantage of those 16 boxes. You would've thought Jordan and Cameron were 8 again!

This picture really doesn't give it any justice to how truly big it ended up being. This was about 1/2 the way through our building process.

We even gave it an address, a Welcome mat, a mail box and even a flower box.

Simba even liked the boxes.

Back to wedding stuff for me! Wish me luck!!! Hope you all are having a great week!

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day!

We hope all you Moms had as great of a weekend as we did. We spent ours searching for a vintage trunk and miserably failing, the farmers market, a Hog baseball win and celebratory margaritas. 

Jordan and I also bought our first nice bed together today. It all started when I woke up this morning and fell towards the center of the bed otherwise known as the "blackhole" of our bed. I guess you can say our bed is not flat, it more of a U shape and I'm sick of it. That was the final straw. After getting ready for the day I walked downstairs and said, "We're going! We're going to get a new bed!" and Jordan popped up and was thankfully all about it. When we got there, it took about an hour and a half of us laying on bed after bed but we finally made our decision. We even got to bring it home today. I'm thinking an early bedtime is in store for us tonight!!!

Besides that, our weekend also consisted of a delicious Mother's day dinner celebration and sitting by the pool together. 

Speaking of Mother's day....
I wanted to wish a very special Mother's day to my Mama bear! I couldn't be luckier to call this woman Mama! She is my biggest advocate, cheerleader, psychologist, and best friend.  Thank you for raising me right and inspiring me daily. You have taught me to love life and live everyday to it's absolute fullest. I love you, appreciate you and adore you Mom!

This picture is our relationship in a nutshell. A bunch of hogwild ladies! ;)
Love you Mom!

Saturday in the South - Tracy Lawrence

Monday, May 5, 2014
Fayetteville's motto is "Keep Fayetteville Funky" and we were half way there this past weekend. Ends up my Dad's chiropractor is good friends with country singer Tracy Lawrence and brought him and his band to golf with my Dad, share a drink a bourbon at my parents house and my Dad even played a little guitar with the band. When Jordan and I heard about it we were instantly jealous. So to make it even, my Mom and Dad took Jordan and I to his show 30 minutes away from us. We got right up front where Tracy and his band saw my Dad right away and waved at him. The fiddler, Joe, even made a swinging golf motion with his fiddle! Ha! 

However, our fun night didn't end there. Believe it or not, we got to enjoy a beer with Tracy and his band on his tour bus after the show! YES! And guess who was "too cool" to ask for a picture. Yep - me. I TOTALLY regret it now. I guess all we have are the memories and the fact that he wants to come back and hang out with my Dad again. Maybe if he comes down again I will grow a pair and ask for a picture. ;)

The next morning Jordan and I got to sleep in and then decided to head over to the Fayetteville Farmers Market. We had never been but always heard that you have to go at least once. We were so happy we went. We came home with beautiful bright yellow and white tulips, fresh basil that Jordan immediately planted in the backyard and delicious asparagus that we grilled for dinner that night. It was our ultimate relaxing day that we ended with a great movie. In fact, relaxing is what needed to happen because once Sunday came, it was yard work for us.

There was great music at the Farmers Market but this band was my favorite.

Perfect weekend if you ask me that lead into a grrreat week. I have exciting news! Last Friday I accepted my first salary paid job with the company I have been doing some contracting writing for. I'm now their new office manager/writer. This weekend was the perfect weekend to start out the new chapter in our lives. Now all that's left is to finally marry this crazy man of mine and live happily ever after. Life is good!

Hope you all are having a great week as well!!! :)

No Rest for the Rad!

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Last weekend we made our way back up to Iowa. Remember that busy weekend I was talking about before? This was it. Let's just say when we got home on Sunday I passed out around 9:30pm and I'm a night owl. Going to bed before midnight rarely happens to me. 

Even with it being busy it was so much fun. We were so happy we got to see friends and family even if it was only for a short while. And the party's were awesome! 

We had the first party on Friday night full of wine and great company. My future Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law hosted this shower and I have to say they really outdid themselves. It was beautiful and everything was so fun.

 My stonecold pack of weirdos minus Regan! (Bridesmaids quote if you thought I was being mean! ;) haha)

 My beautiful Mother and Sister/MOH :)

My very soon to be family. Although, I really already consider them family. You're all stuck with me now! ;)

Joan & Erica - Thank you again for putting this on. It was so much fun and I can't wait to officially be a Lindaman! Love you both!

After Friday's shower I was exhausted but I couldn't be because I had Jordan's cousins shower Saturday morning and my family couples shower on Saturday night. There's no rest for the rad! I really need to purchase this shirt.

I'm getting off topic.... back to our weekend. After the shower on Saturday morning we made our way to Des Moines to celebrate with my family. If you didn't already know, pink and peach are my wedding colors and my family delivered. They had the most beautiful pink and peach roses everywhere. On top of that, there were margaritas, beer, cheesey taters and BBQ! I was one happy girl.

Lauren (my sister) and Emily (my cousin)

We indulged on good food and margaritas while waiting for the rest of the family and Jordan's family to get there.

 Lauren, me, Mom and Regan (my 8 year old sister and bridesmaid sporting her clip in purple hair!)

My cousin Sam and my Dad hanging out outside before the chaos ensued.

 Jordan and I getting a picture with our new Arkansas bags game that my cousin, Sam, made for us. 

Jordan and I not only got some awesome gifts but were so happy to get a night just full of family. 

To my amazing family: Thank you again for putting this on for us. It was SO fun, the food was DELICIOUS and we were so happy we got to have a night with everyone. We love you!!!

Well, it's time for a nap. After reliving my weekend I'm exhausted again! ;) But like I said, there is no rest for the rad. It's off to a track meet for me. Hope you all have a great weekend. After all, tomorrow is one of our favorite days of the week, Friday!

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