1. Plugin Light Dimmer
First and foremost, get yourself a light dimmer. I can't stress this one enough. This is by far my best baby buy!!! For those middle of the night party sessions, this has allowed me to only use the amount of light I need to see but not too much that it fully wakes her up. Seriously. This is my number one answer when others have asked me what they should buy or register for. GET THIS. I mean it!
We use this light dimmer and bought it at Lowes but it's also available on Amazon. I even pack it up when we head out of town. Life saver! Click here to buy!
2. Milk Snob Carseat Cover
I tried the Velcro carseat cover that you see everyone using and I hated it. The Velcro straps kept sliding everywhere and the sides were always open allowing the cold wind to get in at my sweet baby. Then I found the Milk Snob cover and it was like the angels started singing. This cover provides coverage around the entire carseat but allows you to be able to peek in at baby from the top because the fabric is so stretchy.
A plus to this cover... it keeps strangers in Walmart from touching and poking at your clean, germ free baby. Can we all agree the touching other peoples baby's you don't know thing needs to stop?
This is the cover I bought and love. I've been stopped in public many times asking where I got it. The name might be strange but the product doesn't disappoint. Click here to shop!
3. Diaper Caddy/Basket
If you're like us and change baby on the couch in the living room, do yourself a favor and get yourself a diaper caddy or a basket. Instead of running back and forth to the nursery, everything you need can be transported room by room or just stay tucked away in the living room.
This isn't the one we use but you get the point! :)
4. Binky Holder
My Mother-in-Law got me a binky holder that attaches to Eloise's carseat. It's the best! Instead of having to dig through the diaper bag to find the mute button, it's in a fast and easy to grab place all the time.
I believe the holder I have, my MIL bought at a local place in Iowa but I found these online that are similar. Click here to shop! ...Or here!
5. Burp Rags
Get all the burp rags you can! You will use them constantly.
I like the burp rags from Target but Jordan found some bigger ones at Walmart that he likes. Mine absorb better but his are much wider which are nice for the Daddy's shoulders.
6. Nose Frida
Yes, it's gross. Yes, you might gag. However, when your little one is so congested and is struggling to breath, your Momma bear instinct jumps in and will do just about anything to help them out.
During the first two weeks after Eloise was born, she was very congested. the Doctor said it was normal for newborns to be congested because they are still trying to get rid of everything they breathed in while in the womb. That's all fine and dandy but my baby girl couldn't breath well and I had to do something about it. The normal bulb nose sucker didn't help and instead just irritated her tiny cute nose. Finally, Jordan and I gave in and bought the Nose Frida and loved it! Jordan (who gag's at everything) was the one who did it to her the most and he had no problem with it. I think it helps when you hear and see the difference it makes for your baby. Buy it here!
Now... as for the FridaBaby Windi...that's still a grey area for us. If you are brave and get it, let me know how it works!
7. Free Prints App
This isn't a must have but it's a nice to have. I downloaded this app a long time ago but didn't really start using it until I started to collect a buttload of pictures of Eloise on my phone and no way to really keep them around. Now at the end of every month, I'm ordering prints of all the pictures I took that month and storing them in a tub I've already started with her keepsakes in it. You can never start organizing too early, right? ;)
Hope this helps! :)
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