Ellie showed up again this morning, drinking a big thing of maple syrup! Although, I need to back up a second. Yesterday, Regan wrote Ellie a note asking her why she couldn't talk to her and to write back again soon. Regan also told Ellie she loved her "sooooo much" and even gave her a little friendship friend "sip" bracelet. How cute is that?! To be honest, I didn't think she would take the whole Elf thing this seriously but it's SO entertaining.
When Regan woke up this morning, she got her letter from Ellie and a clue as to where she was. If anyone knows my family well enough, you know our love for the movie Elf so of course I thought it would be appropriate to include Elf in anything and everything we do with Ellie.
Then she found her in the pantry downing our maple syrup! Sugar crazy Elf!
If you haven't watched Elf, shame on you! Besides Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story, it's a Christmas movie MUST see!
Don't be a cotton-headed ninny-muggins and have a happy Monday!
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